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Public Transportation Service

Public Transport

Buy public transport tickets and passes for Milan and Rome from your app.
Public Transportation Service
Public Transport

Spostati con il trasporto pubblico locale

Dimentica le lunghe file alle macchinette e in edicola per biglietti e abbonamenti!

Basta il tuo cellulare per usare i mezzi pubblici a Milano, a Roma e in tutta la Campania risparmiando tempo.

Il servizio è disponibile con Plus e Telepass Pay X.

Intro Trasporto Pubblico Locale Privati Partner List - ATM
Intro Trasporto Pubblico Locale Privati Partner List - atac
Intro Trasporto Pubblico Locale Privati Partner List - Unico

Viaggia con Telepass

Puoi acquistare i biglietti per:

Servizio Mezzi Pubblici Milano
Logo ATM Milano

Annual travel pass
for your commutes in Milan

Buy your annual travel pass in our app to travel with ease in Milan and the province of Monza and Brianza.

Just select the zones you wish to buy the annual travel card for and get your travel card delivered to your doorstep! If you request the card before the 10th of the month, your card will be valid from the 1st of the following month; otherwise from the month after that.

For instance, if you buy the travel pass before 10 August, it will be active from 1 September. If you buy it between 11 and 31 August, it will be active from 1 October. You will be charged monthly on your account.

The Public Transport service – How it works

Trasporto Pubblico Locale Privati - Step 1
Apri l’app

Seleziona il servizio Mezzi Pubblici dalla tua app in pochi secondi.

Trasporto Pubblico Locale Privati - Step 2

Scegli la città, richiedi l’abbonamento o compra i biglietti per il trasporto pubblico.

Trasporto Pubblico Locale Privati - Step 3
Vivi la città

Spostati in città in modo più comodo usando tutti i mezzi pubblici.

Scarica l’app Telepass

Viaggia, guida, muoviti dove e come vuoi.

Badge Sostenibilità Servizi Telepass

Creating a sustainable future

We’re committed to fostering a newer, greener, and more conscious way to travel.


How can we help?

The areas of coverage of the annual ATM subscription - both urban and extra-urban - that can be purchased with Telepass Pay are all those within the Metropolitan City of Milan and the Province of Monza and Brianza. Specifically, the areas of coverage are divided as follows:

  • urban annual subscription: from MI1 to MI3;
  • extra-urban annual subscription: possible combination of the nine tariff areas set by the Integrated Tariff System of the Mobility Area or STIBM. To view the nine tariff areas included in the STIBM click here.

You can use the Local Public Transport (ATM) Service by downloading the Telepass App or the Telepass Pay X App.

If you are already a Telepass Family customer, activate Telepass Pay from here.

If you are a new customer, you can activate the Telepass and Telepass Pay services by clicking here.

The ATM service allows Telepass Pay or Telepass Pay X customers to purchase an annual ATM subscription via the App and to receive directly at home an ATM card already validated and ready for use. In addition, you can defer the payment in 12 monthly installments, and save as compared to the standard rate of a monthly subscription.