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Food & Drink

Salta la fila in Autogrill: prenota e ritira i tuoi spuntini in app

I tuoi spuntini rapidi e smart

Prenditi una pausa intelligente e goditi le tue pause in autostrada. Con il servizio Food & Drink, acquisti i prodotti e i menù dell'Autogrill direttamente dall'app e ritiri il tuo ordine nel punto di distribuzione Click&Good. Eviti le code in cassa e non usi né contanti né carte di credito!

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The Food & Drink service – How it works

Open app
Pick your nearest Autogrill in the app and select what you want to buy.
Pay for your coffee or meal in the app and wait for the confirmation email.
Go to the Click&Good pick-up point and show your confirmation code to receive your order.

Le città dove è attivo il servizio Food & Drink

Trova l'Autogrill più vicino a te in app!

Scarica l’app Telepass

Viaggia, guida, muoviti dove e come vuoi.

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If you are already a customer, log into the App and select the Food & Drink service to:

  • view the products offered and available at the Point of Sale;
  • place your order, confirm and pay directly from the App;
  • as soon as your order is ready, you will receive an email and a confirmation notification. You will be able to pick up your order without queuing.

It's the new service that allows you to book and purchase, directly from your App, products available at points of sale affiliated with Telepass.

You can find the Service Areas where the Food&Drink service is active by clicking here.