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La Sostenibilità
 per Telepass

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Telepass Sustainability Report in numbers

Telepass Group figures as at 31 December 2023.

+223 million euro

80% economic value distributed by Telepass to society and its stakeholders.

Sostenibilità Numeri Card - +68

tra le nuove persone che sono state assunte.

-67% emissioni di CO2

-67% CO2 emission reduced in total compared to the yer 2022.

+24 mln di litri di acqua

+31% electricity consumed from renewable sources.

Read the reports

Download the PDF version of each year's Sustainability Report.

Each of us has a part to play

Telepass is committed to helping travellers overcome any obstacles they may face.

Sustainability and digital technologies are an integral part of our strategy roadmap. We believe in seamless and hassle-free mobility.

Logo Global Compact
Supportiamo United Nations Global Compact

Sustainability has taken on a central role in innovation processes today and offers outstanding opportunities.

Telepass plays a key role in the
mobility sector

Green Deal
Green Deal
Transport emissions represent 25% of the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions. As these emissions are on the rise, the 2020 European Green Deal especially encourages a transition to sustainable and smart mobility.
Ambiente e benessere
Environment and Well-being
Governments, the European Union, and the United Nations now consider health, well-being, and the environment important social issues.
Smart Mobility
Smart Mobility
The Smart Mobility sector, one of the fastest growing sectors today, is quickly moving towards business models that combine sustainability and technological innovations.

61.000t di CO2 in meno nel 2022 con il telepedaggio

Uno studio commissionato all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, ha quantificato la riduzione di emissioni inquinanti grazie alla presenza di stazioni Telepass.

Tell us what you think

Share your ideas or suggestions for sustainable and inclusive mobility. Write to us at, we can’t wait to hear from you!