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Le fatture del contratto Base (ex contratto Telepass Family) sono trimestrali entro il limite massimo di 258,23 € fino al 30 giugno 2024, poi 350,00 € dall'1 luglio 2024. Questo importo si rivaluterà ogni anno in base all’indice ISTAT dei prezzi al consumo per le famiglie di operai e impiegati. In questa sezione, trovi tutti i chiarimenti sulle fatture elettroniche obbligatorie per legge dal 1° gennaio 2019 e le indicazioni per visualizzare gli addebiti nella tua Area Riservata.

La fattura del contratto Base (ex contratto Telepass Family) è trimestrale; può comunque subire variazioni qualora le spese, nell'arco del trimestre superino il plafond di 258,23 € fino al 30 giugno 2024, poi 350 € dall'1 luglio 2024. Questo importo si rivaluterà ogni anno in base all’indice ISTAT dei prezzi al consumo per le famiglie di operai e impiegati.

L'eventuale superamento del plafond trimestrale comporta il passaggio del ciclo di fatturazione dalla cadenza trimestrale a quella mensile, con addebito, nelle sole fatture aggiuntive, di una quota associativa di 3,72€ mensili.

La fattura tornerà trimestrale se gli importi addebitati nel trimestre di riferimento rientreranno nel limite di 258,23 € fino al 30 giugno 2024 o di 350 € dall'1 luglio 2024.

Please note that, in an answer to FAQ no.28 published on its website on November 27, 2018, the Revenue Agency stated that: A VAT entity who delivers a paper copy of an electronic invoice to the final consumer must indicate in the mentioned paper invoice that it is a copy of the invoice transmitted electronically. Therefore, due to legal requirements, we cannot delete this wording.

No, you cannot request the reissue of an invoice as that would generate a duplicate and thus a rejection by the Exchange System.

Please be reminded that, unlike what happens with delivered invoices, for invoices not delivered correctly by the ES, the date from which the VAT can be deducted coincides with that of "acknowledgment" (by the customer) of the invoice in the "Invoices and payments" reserved area of the Revenue Agency's portal.

While waiting for the availability of the tax documents, you can use your courtesy invoice available in the reserved area of the site.

A failed invoice delivery may depend on the inability of the ES to make invoices available to final consumers. For more details, visit the website FAQ n. 55.

You will continue to receive a paper "courtesy invoice" not valid for tax purposes at your home address.

This may be due to a variety of reasons. We recommend you wait at least 5 days, given that the Exchange System performs verification within 5 days from the date the invoice is sent. The availability of the electronic invoice is therefore subject to the length of this verification process.

After 5 days, the invoice may still not be available due to issues with delivery by the Exchange System.

Yes, a "courtesy invoice" not valid for tax purposes will be available to you in the Reserved Area of the website.

As of January 1, 2019, it is mandatory to issue invoices to all entities residing or established in the Italian territory. This rule applies to invoices issued both to VAT entities and to final consumers.

All electronic invoices will be sent in xml format through the Italian Exchange System (or SdI) of the Revenue Agency, and will be delivered in the following ways:

  • tax box;
  • PEC address;
  • recipient Code (7 characters).

You can find your invoices directly in the Telepass App and in your Reserved Area.

Invoices are listed for the last 24 months. Should you need invoices older than 24 months, you may request them via form.