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Assicurazione Infortuni in mobilità

Infortuni fuori casa PRO

da 14,90 € al mese

Proteggi te e i tuoi familiari quando sei fuori casa: i primi 2 mesi di polizza sono gratis.

Infortuni fuori casa PRO

Scegli il piano assicurativo più adatto a te

Hospitalisation due to injury
€75 per day
€150 per day
Recovery after hospitalisation
€30 per day
€60 per day
Application of casts/splints
€30 per day
€60 per day
Temporary incapacity
€30 per month
€60 per month
Reimbursement of medical expenses
€400 per year
€400 per year
Price per month
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Proteggiti il doppio con i nostri servizi

Se l’infortunio avviene mentre usi un veicolo con la targa associata al dispositivo Telepass o mentre ti sposti con i servizi di mobilità attivati con l’app Telepass, indennità e somme assicurate raddoppiano.

The policy covers the following

  • Morte: in caso di infortunio viene riconosciuta una somma pari a 30.000 euro nel caso in cui entro due anni vi sia la morte dell’Assicurato
  • Invalidità permanente: viene riconosciuta una somma pari a 30.000 euro nel caso in cui a seguito di infortunio l’assicurato riporti un’Invalidità permanente superiore al 30%  e questa si verifichi entro un anno dall’infortunio

Per diem covered for each hospitalisation day with overnight stay. The policy covers up to 120 days per Insured person per Insurance year, regardless of the number of accidents and hospitalisations in the same Insurance year.

The policy covers up to 30 days per Insured person per Insurance year, regardless of the number of accidents and hospitalisations in the same Insurance year.

Per diem covered for casts for every day that the Insured person wears a Plaster cast or Immobiliser brace. Read our information pack to find out fracture types included in the plan.

The policy covers up to 30 days per Insured person per Insurance year, regardless of the number of accidents and bone fractures sustained in the same Insurance year.

If the Insured person sustains Temporary incapacity due to a Mobility accident which results in the Insured person’s total temporary incapacity to carry out their profession, if they’re employed, or perform at least two of the four basic activities essential to human life (eating, getting dressed, washing up, moving), if they don’t work, a monthly cover is paid from the 31st day of Incapacity.

An absolute deductible equal to 30 consecutive days is applied. The policy covers up to 6 months per Insured person per Insurance year, regardless of the number of accidents sustained in the same Insurance year.

If the Insured person sustains a Mobility accident, the medical expenses incurred within 120 days of the accident are reimbursed. Read our information pack for more details on the medical expenses covered by the plan.

Personal Mobility Insurance – How to activate it

Open app

Open the Telepass app and select the Personal Mobility Insurance option.

Buy policy

Choose between the Personal or Family plan.

Travel worry-free

Commute, travel, drive, or use shared mobility services leaving your worries behind.
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Once you activate Personal Mobility Insurance, you’ll receive the insurance policy and the relevant contract documents are available on the website or in your App.

The policy price will be directly debited from the account linked to your Telepass contract.

The Personal Mobility Insurance plan covers the following covers following an accident:

  • hospitalisation allowance,
  • recovery after hospitalisation allowance,
  • per diem for immobilisation due to accident (which requires application of casts/splints/braces that does not allow limb movement),
  • reimbursement of medical expenses,
  • per diem for temporary full incapacity.

If the accident occurs while using a Telepass service, the compensation is doubled.

The Personal Mobility Insurance policy is for natural persons having Telepass Base (Telepass Family contract) with Telepass S.p.a. The plan is available for Italian residents aged 18-70 (not completed) for accidents occuring outside their homes.

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Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionali.

Il servizio di distribuzione assicurativa è reso da Telepass Broker S.r.l., iscritto alla sezione B (Broker) del Registro Unico degli intermediari IVASS, nr. B000590579. Telepass Broker S.r.l. è soggetto alla vigilanza dell’IVASS. Consulta gli estremi dell'iscrizione sul sito e nel documento Elenco dei rapporti di collaborazione di Telepass Broker S.r.l. Prima della sottoscrizione leggere il set informativo del prodotto.

Dal 12 dicembre 2022, Telepass Broker S.r.l. distribuisce il nuovo prodotto Infortuni fuori casa PRO di Itas Mutua. Per maggiori informazioni sui contratti già stipulati relativi al prodotto Infortuni in mobilità dell’impresa Metlife Europe d.a.c, trovi in app Telepass o al numero verde 800 319 665 le tue polizze e la documentazione relativa al prodotto e al servizio di distribuzione assicurativa.